Missing the obvious

So today was my exam for which i really worked hard and prepared well. Went with confidence to face every questions.. bring it on!!! and then it happened! the unexpected miss!

Every session in the question paper had instruction to write any two, expect for one session which was to write any four! I missed it!!! I don’t know how i could miss something that was written in bold! ‘Please answer any four of the following questions!’ I missed it completely! and i wrote only two in that session… By the time i realized, it was too late.. I had submitted my papers, left the hall, already half way to home! Too late to do any changes! And there is no point sitting and regretting.. even though i did feel bad! I just let go of 12 marks which could make a lot of difference in my total score. The painful part is that i knew all the answers very well, and at one instance i even helped someone else with those questions!

One good thing happened. Somehow i felt it is unusual and there is some message or communication that i need to get out of this missed call! So i reached home and sat with Lord.. asked Him to show me what He wanted to communicate. I have a missed call.. so i need to call back and get the information that was supposed to be shared with me earlier!

I believe every thing that happens in our life is communicating to us. God speaks to us through everything that we experience. Even something like you are constantly seeing some numbers, randomly meeting someone frequently, or as simple as you missed out the obvious!!!!

So i wanted to know what was happened! So here are some points that God revealed to me through this experience.

1. Missed the obvious

I missed the obvious, others saw and responded to it… but I missed. Many times we are quick to see things for others, give advise to others, help others, but does not correct self, or help ourselves or may not see foresee things for oneself. It is as if some veil over self, cannot understand own weaknesses or not able to see the obvious! So it was a great opportunity for me to score, but missed even after helping someone else to score! Sometimes we run the race as if to finish last! As spiritual people we tend to see others needs and reach out, but miss to address our own needs! 

2. Blinded by familiarity  

The patterns that were there in the previous session made me overlook any change in the pattern on this session. So i just assumed this too would be just to answer 2 not 4!

Patterns in our life and routines in our life can be a trap to miss the seasons of God, the changing course of the wind of the Spirit is missed quite often due to fixedness to one set of routine and pattern. Do not be confirmed to the patterns of the world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Sometimes experience can disable us from trying out the new. New wine can only poured in new wine skin!

3. Timed-out realization

I realized what i missed, but it was too late to make any change.  There is always a window period when the doors of blessing, opportunity, obedience, is open. Any response to the opportunity once the door is closed cannot do any good. Am I missing on key seasons of blessings or opportunities just because I am too preoccupied with some ritualistic religious patterns in life? Am i too proud to see my weakness? How sure am I that patterns can change? That God need not repeat His ways of deliverance or blessings and that He can be creative? Am i sensitive to His moves? Many times it doesn’t really matter how much one knows, Knowledge is futile without application!

Better late than never: I do not want to miss out on God’s season in my life. Suppose it is summer at your place and all of sudden you get a flight ticket to a cool beautiful place.. a paid vacation! Why would you miss it? You would only miss it if you are unaware. So when God wants to shift you to a season according to His plan..why would you not transition to the new season? Only if are unaware! To make oneself aware of the seasons and shifts of God’s move and plan … just decode His communications and act on it! So i prayed that God will help me see the obvious and help me obey Him empowered through His Grace alone.. without which i can do nothing. But through Him I can do all things!

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